A Complete Guide To Divorce Law

Divorce is the legal process of separating two people. The divorce decree approved by the family court or district court allows separation after the marriage is dissolved. If both parties agree, once divorced, both parties are free to remarry. Divorce in India is governed by individual laws and depends on the religious beliefs of the parties. The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 governs Hindus. Muslim women are subject to the dissolution of Muslim marriages. Christians are governed by the Indian Divorce Act of 1869. For inter-caste and inter-religious marriages, the provisions of the 1954 Special Marriage Law apply. Although there are privacy laws, some generally applicable reasons can be followed. It is essential to understand the divorce law in India.


Inspired by an article: https://lawyers.mysore.servicemall.in/articles/a-complete-guide-to-divorce-law/a-complete-guide-to-divorce-law.html

About Divorce Law

What Are The Five Stages Of Divorce?

There are five common emotions that people go through during the divorce process. They are often referred to as the "five stages of grief." Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are some of them.


Those who did not initiate the divorce frequently spend a significant amount of time in denial. It may be the cause of a delayed response to divorce papers in some cases. Denial gives people comfort because it allows them to distance themselves from an overwhelming reality.


Both parties frequently visit the anger stage. It's full of blame, rage, and cynical analysis of your marriage's events. Emotions explode as people enter this point because they have suppressed their emotions while in denial. It's crucial to be gentle with yourself and to inspire your partner to do the same.


The initiator is frequently surprised that they are having difficulty with the bargaining stage. For those people, the real battle is one of doubt and guilt. As they weigh the odds, they begin to question their decision and analyze the consequences. However, switching back and forth is expected during this stage.


To be honest, this stage is frequently lengthy. It can also be the most challenging. It is the darkest time of night, just before dawn. Both sides have accepted the reality of the situation at this point. This wave of comprehension is frequently overwhelming, and at times incapacitating. It is critical to rely on your support system and accept help when offered during this time. If your child is depressed, you must seek counseling for them. A trained and experienced therapist can be an excellent long-term investment for all parties involved.


During this stage, the majority of people experience what they consider to be peace. They can embrace their reality with hope for the future, rather than simply dealing with it. You might still feel some negative emotions. It's also common at this point to briefly return to one of the previous stages. Except that you're those emotions no longer consume you.

What Is The New Divorce Law In India?




New Delhi: Cutting off the waiting period for divorce by six months under the Hindu Marriage Act, the Supreme Court ruled that divorce can be granted without the couple's mandatory 18-month period of separation.

In understanding the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, a bench of Justices Adarsh K Goel and Uday U Lalit stated that the courts could waive the six-month "cooling off" period of divorce through mutual consent. Section 13B, added to the Hindu Marriage Act in 1976 to allow for divorce by mutual consent, allows for a total of 18 months before a divorce decree can be issued.

A couple may file a divorce petition after one year of judicial separation under Section 13B(1). This must be followed by another six months of the waiting period required by Section 13B(2) to obtain a decree. However, the Supreme Court ruled that while Section 13B(2) is not mandatory, the directory provided the legislative intent and the purpose of the provision.

Can I Marry Without Divorce In India?

No, it does not. You cannot marry without first obtaining a divorce order from the Court. Getting married while one's spouse is still alive is a crime under Indian law, regardless of whether the spouse agrees. Six months will be granted if your partner is ready to file a joint divorce petition. Don't marry if you have a spouse who is still alive.

In A Divorce, How Do You Win Everything?

  1. Don't Allow Emotions to Influence Your Financial Decisions.
  2. Everything is divisible and open to interpretation.
  3. Before filing for divorce, make a large purchase.
  4. Keep an eye on your spouse's finances.
  5. Gather Important Evidence Before Filing for Divorce
  6. Before you part ways, have your property appraised.
  7. Don't Hide Your Assets.
  8. A former spouse can be an excellent tax shelter.

Who Pays For A House During Divorce?

It depends on who is named on the mortgage.

  • If your names are both on the mortgage,

This is referred to as joint and several liabilities. You are both responsible and liable for the mortgage payment. That doesn't mean you're both liable for half of the mortgage – if one person fails to pay their share, the other can still be held liable for the entire mortgage. It makes no distinction whether one or both of you pay the mortgage – what matters is that the payments are made.

  • If only one of you is named on the mortgage

The mortgage payments are solely the responsibility of that individual. However, if they fail to make the payments (for example, if they divorce), the other spouse/civil partner may be obligated to pay if they are a joint legal owner or have home rights. The mortgage lender must accept these payments as if they were made by the person named on the mortgage.

What Is The #1 Cause Of Divorce?

Lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing were the most frequently reported significant contributors to divorce. Infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use were the most common "final straw" reasons. Participants blamed their partners for the divorce more than they blamed themselves.

What's The Divorce Rate 2020?

60% of couples who get married between the ages of 20-25 will end in divorce, while those who get married after 25 are 24% less likely to get divorced.

What Are The First Signs Of Divorce?

Signs that you're on the verge of a divorce

  • You're not content.
  • The majority of your interactions are negative.
  • You come up with excuses to avoid your partner.
  • Friends or family members urge you to end the relationship.
  • Your gut instincts are telling you to leave.
  • You live together as if you were roommates.
  • Everything is difficult.
  • One or both of them has shifted their values or priorities.

What Percent Of Couples Get Back Together After A Divorce?

The first phase of her research, which ended in 1996, consisted of approximately 1,000 survey respondents. In the end, Kalish found that, overall, about 6% of couples who married and divorced ended up remarrying each other, and 72% of reunited partners stayed together.

What Should You Not Do During Separation?

Here are five essential tips on what not to do during a separation.

  • Don't get into a relationship right away.
  • Never seek a separation without your partner's permission.
  • Do not sign divorce papers hastily.
  • Don't speak ill of your partner in front of the children.
  • Never deprive your partner of the right to co-parenting.

How Do I Protect Myself Financially Before Divorce?

Here are ways to protect your assets during the challenging experience of going through a divorce:

  • Legally establish the separation. 
  • Get a copy of your credit report and keep track of activity.
  • Separate debt. 
  • Move half of the joint bank balances to a separate account. 
  • Comb through your assets.
  • Conduct a cash flow analysis.

What Should I Do With My Divorce Settlement Money?

It's possible that you might be able to transfer funds to a bank account in your control and then transfer them back at a later date.


  • Be transparent. 

  • Seek financial advice early. 

  • Get it in writing. 

  • Cancel the credit card. 

  • Consider alternatives to litigation.

Why Is Moving Out The Biggest Mistake In A Divorce?

By leaving the marital home, you could potentially add to your financial burden. If you are the primary earner in your household and decide to relocate while your divorce is pending, the Court may order you to continue covering your wife's living expenses as well.

Can I Get Married While My Divorce Is In Process In India?

Till the time your Divorce proceedings are pending in Court, whether it's a Contested or Mutual Consent Divorce, you cannot legally marry another person. You cannot marry again till the expiry of 6 months from the date of divorce. * I'm assuming that Hindu Marriage Act governs parties.

In India, How Long Must You Be Apart Before Divorce Is Automatic?

Before divorce proceedings can begin, the couple must live separately for at least one year, according to Section 13 B of the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 and Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act of 1954. On the other hand, section 10A of the Divorce Act of 1869 requires the couple to be separated for at least two years. It should be noted that living separately does not always imply living in different places; the couple only needs to provide that they have not lived as husband and wife during this period.

Is Divorce Easy In India?

India is not a very divorce-friendly country, both culturally and legally. India's divorce rate is shallow – about 13 in 1,000 marriages, against 500 in 1,000 marriages in the UK. Every year, 7,500 cases are filed in Mumbai, 9,000 in Delhi, and 3,000 in Bangalore.

How Many Divorce Cases Are Pending In India?

New Delhi: 59,867 cases are pending in the Supreme Court and 44.75 lakh cases in various high courts. The number of pending cases at the district and subordinate court levels stands at a shocking 3.14 crore, said the Union law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. The data is as of November 2019.

How Much Time Does It Take To Get Divorced When You Have Children?

Couples with child-related issues took an average of 15 months to complete their divorces. Readers with child-related disputes paid an average of $15,500 in total divorce costs, including $13,500 in attorneys' fees.

How Many Days After Divorce Can You Remarry In India?

A Hindu can marry again after 90 days of the decree dissolving his or her marriage if no appeal has been made against the decree, the High Court said on Friday.

Can I Leave The Country With A Pending Divorce Case In India?

There will be no issues, and she will be free to leave the country once the divorce is finalized by mutual consent. After you file a petition, you will be given a date on which your comments will be registered, and an order on the first motion will be issued. After six months, you must file a second motion, which will be handled in the same manner.

Can I Get Divorce Without Going To Court In India?

No, you can't take a divorce legally without going to Court. If both parties are ready, then go for Mutual Consent Divorce, in which case you will have to appear in Court only four times on different dates. If your marriage is legally solemnized, then the only way for legal divorce is through Court.

What Happens When One Person Refuses To Divorce?

The Court, not the other party in the marriage, must agree to grant the divorce. Even if one side does not consent, the divorce can be concluded as long as all relevant financial and legal problems are resolved. However, resolving these issues may pose a barrier to the divorce's completion.

What Is The Quickest Way To End A Divorce?

Speeding up the Process

Agreeing with the spouse is generally the quickest way to speed up the divorce so that it doesn't take weeks or months to complete the process. This is also possible through mediation with an open dialogue and complete understanding of all the specific issues that require resolution, such as custody, spousal support, and the entire division of property. When both sides are completely capable of coming to an understanding, and all financial assets are open and disclosed, the process may significantly speed up. Even with lawyers facilitating the communication, the specific matters involved in the divorce may proceed rapidly.

What Should You Do If Someone Refuses To Sign Divorce Papers?

The Court will issue a divorce order even though the partner refuses to sign any papers. However, it must still be proven that the spouse was served with the Divorce Application by completing an Affidavit. Our divorce lawyer advises you to correctly fill out this form or risk serving the spouse again.

What Does It Mean Uncontested Divorce?

A divorce that is uncontested means that no party challenges the divorce decree. Filing for an uncontested divorce when both parties in a married couple agree to divorce can save time and money due to streamlined court procedures. 

  1. There must be no financial disagreements between the couple (such as child custody or alimony)
  2. Both parties consent to the divorce (if one person does not show up for the divorce proceedings, it will also be seen as an agreement to the divorce)

How Long Do You Have To Be Married To Getting Alimony In India?

Marriages that have lasted more than ten years are entitled to lifelong alimony. When determining alimony, the age of the spouse is also taken into account.

When determining alimony, the age of the spouse is also taken into account. A young alimony recipient is typically granted alimony for a limited time if the Court believes that he or she will soon become financially secure through prospective career excellence.

Alimony is also popular to balance the financial situations of both spouses. The higher-earning spouse is entitled to pay a heavy amount as alimony.

What Is The Maximum Alimony In India?

Monthly payout:  The Supreme Court has set the monthly alimony payment at 25% of the husband's gross salary. It can be raised and lowered by changes in the husband's salary. Lump-sum settlement: There is no benchmark for a lump-sum settlement. It is usually between one-fifth and one-third of the husband's net worth and is a one-time payment.

Is Alimony For Divorce Taxable In India?

– In the event of a lump sum alimony payment:

Alimony is treated as a capital receipt in this case, and thus the provisions of the Income Tax Act of 1961 do not apply. As a result, it is not considered income and is not taxable.

How Can Alimony Be Avoided In India?

If the husband can prove that he has no source of income, alimony can be avoided. If the husband is remarried and has a new wife to take care of, alimony can be avoided. If the wife remarries, she will not be entitled to alimony, but the dependent and or minor children, if any, continue to get the allowance.

Who Is Eligible For Alimony In India?

In general, it is provided if a spouse does not have adequate means to meet his or her basic needs. Alimony may be awarded to any partner, according to the constitution. It is customarily expected to be given to the wife by the husband.

What Happens If Alimony Is Not Paid In India?

Once the Court issues the order, the supporting spouse must pay alimony within the time frame specified. If payments are not received on time, the Court has the authority to take further action against the partner, such as imposing fines.

Are Divorced Couples Happier?

While some people may be happier after a divorce, research shows that most divorced adults have lower levels of happiness and more psychological distress than married people. Divorce can cause new conflicts between couples that are tenser than they were when they were married.

How Many Couples Regret Divorce?

Recent studies, however, confirm that between 32% and 50% of people regret making a move. These people wish they had worked harder on their relationships and stayed married. The exact percentages vary depending on who conducted the research.

Can A Wife Claim Her Husband Property In Divorce In India?

As per the existing divorce laws, a woman doesn't have any right or claim over the husband's property. Because by the approval of divorce, both husband and wife are separated, being viable to marry someone else. But the wife has the right of maintenance in which she can demand maintenance money from her husband depending on his income.

Does A Wife Get Half In Divorce India?



The most significant change is: "According to the new Divorce Law, the wife's share of the property will be 50% of her husband's residential property. Regardless of the property or other properties, its share will be determined according to the Court's decision."

Previously, before this amendment, a woman was entitled to a share in her husband's assets, but there was no set amount; it could be any percentage depending on the circumstances, but now, with this proposed change, a woman would have equal access to all of her husband's residential properties without any conditions. But in this case, the woman will have to apply for her share specifically, and she should be aware of the law regarding the "50% share".

What Are The Rights Of A Woman In A Divorce In India?

The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, governs the maintenance rights of Christian women, where the husband is liable to pay maintenance till a woman's lifetime. Under the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936, the Court can award a maximum of one-fifth of the husband's net income to a Parsi woman for her lifetime.

What Will The Wife Get After The Divorce?

When a married couple divorces, the Court can grant alimony or spousal support to one of the former spouses based on the agreement between the couple or the Court's own decision. This is distinct from the division of marital property and depends on the specific circumstances. Many people also have questions about alimony and child support. Alimony is different from child support payments because child support money can only be used for minor children in custodial parents' care.

In A Divorce Settlement, What Should A Woman Ask For?

There are several factors to consider, including assets, income, living expenses, inflation, alimony, child support, taxes, retirement plans, investments, medical expenses, and health insurance expenses, as well as child-related expenses, such as education expenses. Divorce computer models create detailed and practical analyses of your post-divorce lifestyle. You should talk to your local divorce lawyer or financial planner specializing in divorce to help analyze any proposed financial solutions.

How Is Property Divided In Divorce India?

All of the husband and wife's assets are called "marital property."This means that even if the property brought into the marriage by a person becomes marital property, the property will be divided in half at the time of divorce. However, the Court does not have to divide everyone's property in half. If one spouse owns a house before marriage and the other spouse does not contribute to the house (such as payment or repairs), the Court can decide that the house should not be split between the two spouses.

What Are The Rights Of A Wife In A Divorce In India?

Right To Divorce:

  • Section 13 of HMA 1955 gives women the legal rights to file for a divorce without the husband's consent.
  • Cruelty, adultery, desertion, eviction from the marital home, mental illness, and other reasons can be used to obtain a divorce.
  • Section 13B of the Act allows divorce by mutual consent.

When Could A Woman Divorce Her Husband?

This started in 1937 with the Matrimonial Causes Act of that year. Following nearly three decades of political pressure, this act allowed women to petition for divorce on equivalent terms of men for the first time. The law, however, maintained the requirement that adultery, cruelty, or desertion be demonstrated. The courts also made minimal financial provision, up to about a third of the assets, and this was frequently dependent on who was responsible for the wedding's breakdown. Indeed, in one case, maintenance payments to an unfaithful wife were only justified because the judge feared that in the absence of monetary support, she would become a prostitute.

What is marital property?

In general, both spouses' property is marital. It may be a property that one of you acquired before or after you were married. Personal property, homes and land, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and other property types are included.

How Should A Woman Prepare For A Divorce?

 Pre-Divorce Moves Every Woman Should Make

  1. Phone an attorney (or two or even three).
  2. Ready" to talk to a lawyer. 
  3. Gather the documents. 
  4. Document your expenses.
  5. Alter your will. 
  6. Rethink your health proxy. 
  7. Open a bank account in your name. 
  8. Start saving. 
  9. Build your credit.

Can A Working Wife Get Alimony In India?

When a couple divorces, the wife is entitled to alimony if she cannot support herself, but what about working professionals? Yeah, a working woman will be eligible for alimony based on her salary and living situation.

Previously, working women in India were not entitled to alimony or maintenance, but with the passage of time and subsequent amendments to the law, alimony and maintenance are provided to a working wife under certain circumstances.

When we say a working woman, we mean someoReadyo is economically independent and financially able to meet her needs; however, in the case of married working women, they may not earn enough to meet their needs and rely on their husbands. These women are entitled to alimony payments up to a certain amount.

The main reason for maintaining a working wife is that a wife faces many problems and is deprived of many comforts after leaving her matrimonial home. As a result, monetary comfort in the form of alimony provides her with some consolation.

 After a divorce, women face many challenges without the support, they once had in their matrimonial home. As a result, the husband is forced to support his wife, and even if the wife is employed, she is entitled to the same standard of living she previously enjoyed.

How Much Alimony Can A Wife Get In India?

If alimony is paid every month, the Supreme Court of India has established a benchmark amount of 25% of the husband's net monthly salary as the amount granted to the wife. There is no set amount for a one-time settlement, but it typically ranges from one-fifth to one-third of the husband's net worth. Some factors are considered by the Court while computing the alimony amount. These factors can vary and may include the following:

  • Income and other assets of the husband and wife, if any
  • Both the husband's and the wife's behavior
  • Income tax, EMIs, loan repayments, and other mandatory deductions are considered when calculating the husband's net income.
  • Husband's obligations, such as parents who are financially dependent on him.
  • Both parties' social status and lifestyle.
  • The ages and health conditions of both parties.
  • The number of years the couple had been married.
  • Expenses for the child's education and upbringing.

How Much Maintenance Should A Wife Get In India?

Generally, courts award 1/4th of the husband's income to the wife as maintenance. In a case last year, the Supreme Court also set the benchmark at 25% of the husband's net salary as the amount for maintenance as "just and proper."The Court said that the amount of maintenance or permanent alimony must be sufficient to ensure that a woman lived with dignity after separating from her husband.

Does A Wife Get Alimony If She Cheated?

If you committed adultery, but your spouse permitted it or forgave you and carried on with your marriage even once the affair ended, your instance of adultery will not likely prevent you from receiving an award of alimony.

What Are The Rights Of A Woman In A Divorce In India?

The Indian Divorce Act, 1869, governs the maintenance rights of Christian women, where the husband is liable to pay maintenance till a woman's lifetime. Under the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936, the Court can award a maximum of one-fifth of the husband's net income to a Parsi woman for her lifetime.

What Happens If A Wife Refuses To Agree To Divorce?

If you properly served the divorce petition and your spouse filed an uncontested response but refused to sign the final divorce papers, some states' courts may allow the case to proceed as if it were uncontested. You can wait for a court appearance date.

What If The Husband Wants Divorce And The Wife Doesn't?


Do not agree to any sorts of extortion and be steady with your divorce.

There will be a chance of compromise and mediation in the court ,then insist for a mutual consent divorce and end if she too agrees there you can be free of the marriage.

If your wife is adamant about bothering you, you have the option of initiating the procedure from your end. You can apply for divorce on the grounds of cruelty after one year of marriage. You stated that your marriage has been over a year, so you should file an independent petition against her in Court. She must appear in Court if she receives a summons from the Court.

Do not agree to any sorts of extortion and be steady with your divorce.

There will be a chance of compromise and mediation in the Court, insist on a mutual consent divorce, and end if she too agrees that you can be free of the marriage.

In India, What Happens If A Husband Dies During A Divorce?

The divorce case comes to a halt and is withdrawn when one of the parties dies during the pendency of the divorce proceedings, indicating that the Court has not issued a final divorce judgment. If one of the spouses dies before the final divorce judgment is granted, the divorce proceeding cannot be continued. Legally, the couple remains married, and the surviving spouse's status is that of widow or widower.

Can A Husband Claim Wife Property After Divorce India?

As per the prevailing law in India, a wife will have no claim on her husband's properties during his lifetime, whether within her marriage or after divorce. 2. Whether it's before or after divorce, your wife cannot claim right over your self acquired property during your lifetime.

What If The Husband Filed For Divorce First?

  • Participate in Divorce Proceedings –The spouse who files first may be able to choose when court dates are set. If a couple spends equal time in two different states, the petitioner may choose under which jurisdiction the divorce takes place.
  • Prepare Properly for the Divorce – If you are the first to file for divorce, you will most likely have time to obtain the necessary legal representation, as well as the necessary documents and papers. It can also prevent your spouse from concealing money or assets before the divorce.
  • You could be the first person to present your case – In some cases, the Court will look first at the filed papers. This allows you to present your side of the story in front of your ex. You may also have the opportunity to present first in trials and hearings.
  • End Date of Marriage – Because California divorces are considered community property, the couple's property, and assets must be divided equally. By starting the divorce process, you will be able to acquire separate property and assets sooner.
  • Immediate Relief – If you are in an unstable relationship in which your spouse has moved out and is not helping with the bills or refuses to let you see the children, filing for divorce can provide you with immediate relief. Divorce records can assist in determining financial and child custody issues.

What If A Husband Wants Divorce And Wife Doesn't In India?

If the wife is converted into another religion without the partner's consent, then, in that case, the husband can file a petition for divorce against the wife in the family court or the district court.

How Do I Protect Myself Financially From My Spouse?

If you're getting divorced, here are six ways to keep your finances secure.

  1. Identify all of your properties and establish who owns what.
  2. Get copies of all your financial statements. 
  3. Secure some liquid assets. 
  4. Know your state's laws. 
  5. Build a team. 
  6. Decide what you want — and need

What Should A Man Ask For In A Divorce Settlement?

  • Marital Home. 
  • Life Insurance and Health Insurance Policies. 
  • Division of Debt. 
  • Private School Tuition and College Tuition. 
  • Family Heirlooms and Jewelry. 
  • Parenting Time.
  • Retirement Funds.

Can A Wife Stay In Husband's House After Her Husband Files Divorce Petition In India?



Even if she has filed a divorce petition against him or he has filed a divorce petition against her, a wife has the legal right to remain with her husband or at his place of residence. However, neither party should cohabit with the other and should stay in separate rooms.

It depends on what your wife requested for maintenance after the divorce decree. Typically, alimony is the entire and final settlement, and the husband is not required to provide separate housing.

In India, Can A Husband Seek Alimony?



The law on alimony and maintenance differs between personal laws.But across all personal laws, husbands can be liable for paying alimony to wives. For instance, while under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, which is applicable to only Hindus, both the husband and the wife can ask for alimony; under the Special Marriage Act, applicable to all citizens of India, only the wife can ask for it.

The reverse is hardly ever practiced.

What Happens If The Husband Does Not Pay Maintenance In India?

If the husband fails to comply with the maintenance order, the Court can pass an arrest warrant against the husband. One can file execution proceedings and still on failure, by issuing nonbailable warrant keep the husband in civil prison also can attach his property and recover the said amount. Further, one can also initiate the criminal prosecution against the said failure.

Time Needed To Get Divorce

What Is The Shortest Time To Get Divorce In India?




How long does it take? Divorce by mutual consent can be obtained in six months, but no petition can be filed in such a case during the first year of marriage. There must also be a six-month gap between the first and second motions. In some cases, the Court may dismiss the cooling-off period.

In case of a contested divorce, the period is longer, ranging from three to five years because of complications and the possibility that either party can challenge the decision in the High Court and Supreme Court.

How Will I Get A Divorce Quickly In India?

It's a faster and hassle-free mode of divorce. Under this, both parties file for divorce petitions. They are asked to stay separately for six months, and even after six months, if they still want to go forward with the divorce, both the parties are called before the judge and divorce is granted. In this, the entire divorce process can be closed within a year," explained advocate Jagannath Rao.

How Much Time Does It Take To Get A Divorce In India?



The Court grants the divorce in approximately 18- 24 months. However, the spouses can withdraw their divorce petition during these 18 months, and the Court will grant no divorce. Any spouse can withdraw the mutual consent divorce petition and file a contested divorce through a separate divorce lawyer.

The divorce petition is written in the form of an affidavit filed with the family court. Once the petition is filed, and the formalities of the Court are completed, there is generally an adjourning of the matter for six months. After the lapse of six months, the parties are expected to present themselves again in the Court for forwarding the second motion to confirm the mutual consent filed earlier. It is only after these processes are completed that the Court grants the decree of the divorce.

How Can I Speed Up My Divorce Case In India?

Mediation can help to shorten the lengthy process of getting a divorce. Well-researched – An advocate can expedite the disposition of a case by conducting thorough research in advance. Advanced research will automatically shorten the duration of the cases.

Proper documentation: To settle a case, the Indian judiciary already follows a lengthy and time-consuming procedure. And if any advocates fail to file a document that meets the required criteria, the case will take twice as long to resolve. As a result, it is the advocate's responsibility to complete proper documentation and present it as needed.

How Long Does A Divorce Take If One Party Doesn't Agree In India?

If both parties cannot reconcile their differences within six months, they are required a second motion after six months but, it has to be before the period of 18 months; the Court will hear both parties and hence shall pass a Decree of Divorce.

How Can I Expedite Divorce Proceedings In India?

An application for commissioner appointment can be moved along 21B for expediting, and the commissioner can record statements though the expense is to be Borne by you. Further, you can file an SCA under writ direction of the High Court for the family court to expedite the matter and dispose of it in a given time.

Why Does It Take So Long For A Divorce To Be Final?

The number one reason divorce takes so long is that the people involved are filled with emotions. The person who filed for divorce usually wants it over with as soon as possible. However, that person usually wants the divorce to be resolved on their terms. They sometimes become enraged when things do not go as expected.

What's The Longest A Divorce Can Take?

What is the longest my divorce can take? There is no set deadline for completing a divorce. However, if a judge notices that a divorce has been pending for nearly a year, a hearing will most likely be scheduled to try to resolve any outstanding issues. The Court may also give you dismissal dates, which require you to take some action. If you do not take action, the case could be dismissed in its entirety.

Is It Possible To Get Divorce Within A Month In India?

According to different divorce laws in India, the couple must have lived separately for at least one year before filing for a mutual consent divorce. As a result, couples cannot file a petition for mutual divorce within six months of their marriage.

In India, How Long Does A Contested Divorce Take?

So, in the case of mutual consent divorce, it usually takes 18-24 months. In the case of a contested divorce, the period is more extended, ranging from three to five years, due to complications and the possibility that either party can challenge the High Court and Supreme Court decision.

How Long Does It Take To Divorce Someone?

Once the papers are filed with the Court, the question, "How long does an uncontested divorce take?" is entirely out of the parties' hands. The time it takes to finalize the divorce by having a judge approve and sign the judgment can range from six weeks to twelve months.

How To Get Divorce In Different States

Does It Matter What State You Get Divorced In?

In theory, you and your spouse may divorce in either state in which one of you resides. The majority of states require that a spouse resides in the state before filing for divorce in that state. Proof of residency may be required, and some states require six months of residency, while others require a year.

If you and your partner live in separate states, you can file for divorce in whichever state one of you has fulfilled the residency criteria. It may be your advantage to file before your spouse to save yourself the fees associated with traveling to the other state for court appearances.

It is important to note that a court must have jurisdiction or authority over the nonresident spouse to decide property division, custody, and alimony.

How Does Divorce Work When You Live In The Different States?




It is possible to divorce if you and your spouse live in different states. You must, however, meet the residency requirements of the state where you file for divorce. If your spouse filed for divorce in another state first, that filing and the laws of that state would usually govern the proceeding.

Can I Divorce In A Different State In India?

Cases relating to Matrimonial Disputes can only be transferred from one state's Court to another through a Transfer Petition. Either party can file the case before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Such a Transfer Petition is filed under Section 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which states that the Supreme Court of India has original jurisdiction to transfer a civil case involving a Matrimonial Dispute based on the facts of the case and the circumstances of the parties, and if such transfer is expedient for the ends of justice. High courts may exercise similar authority if a case is transferred from one district to another within the same state over which the concerned High Court has jurisdiction.

Divorce Cost

How Much Does A Divorce Cost In India?

In India, the cost of filing a divorce petition is low, around Rs. 250. The main cost, of course, is the advocate fee, which varies greatly depending on the advocate you select. Every lawyer will bill you separately for each appearance, as well as any consultations and paperwork. A mutual consent divorce is likely to cost between Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 50,000, depending on the complexities of the case and the experience of the lawyer.

How Much Are Lawyer Fees For Divorce In India?



The court fee is nominal at Rs 15, but lawyer's fees bear most of the cost. While women can obtain free legal services by contacting the legal aid cell, private lawyers' fees can range from Rs 10,000 to Rs 1 lakh, depending on the type of divorce and the length of time involved.

Advocates can bill on a pre-hearing basis or as a lump sum on an annual basis. Women can also seek litigation expenses from their husbands in Court, but the amount granted is usually less.

Divorce Under Muslim Law

What Is Divorce Under Muslim Law?

In Islamic law, divorce is based on the couples' inability to live together rather than any specific cause or guilt of a party over which the parties cannot live together.

Dissolution of Marriage Under Muslim Law: 

Under Muslim Law, a marriage is dissolved either by the husband or wife's death or by divorce. After the death of a wife, the husband may remarry immediately. On the other hand, if the husband dies, the wife cannot remarry before a certain specified period called Iddat (90 days) expires.

It means freedom from the bondage of marriage and not from any other bondage in Muslim Law. In a legal sense, it refers to the husband's use of appropriate words to dissolve the marriage. In other words, talaq is a repudiation of marriage by the husband by the procedure laid down by the law.

What Are Three Islamic Divorces?



Triple talaq is a type of divorce practiced in Islam in which a Muslim man could legally divorce his wife by saying talaq (the Arabic word for divorce) three times. The announcement could be made orally, in writing, or, more recently, via electronic means such as phone, SMS, email, or social media. Before each talaq pronouncement in the recommended practice, a waiting period was required, during which reconciliation was attempted.

The divorce became final after a period of iddat in which it was determined whether the wife was pregnant. Before each talaq pronouncement in the recommended practice, a waiting period was required, during which reconciliation was attempted. However, it had become common practice to make all three pronouncements at the same time.

Can A Muslim Woman Divorce?

Khulʿ (Arabic: خلع‎), also called khula, is a procedure through which a woman can divorce her husband in Islam, by returning the dower (mahr) or something else that she received from her husband, as agreed by the spouses or Qadi's (court) decree.

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