A Complete Guide To Cyber Law

India's Cyberlaw prevents any crimes committed using technology (computers are tools of cybercrime). Cybercrime laws protect citizens from distributing sensitive information to strangers online. Since the introduction of cyber law in India, the IT Act 2000 has been promulgated and amended in 2008. The Act covers various types of crimes under Indian cyber law. The Act explains the types of cybercrime and punishment.

India's Cyberlaw is governed by the Information Technology Act, which was repealed in 2000. The law's primary driving force is to provide reliable legal inclusiveness for e-commerce and promote real-time records with the government. But as cyber attackers become more and more cunning, coupled with the trend of human abuse of technology, followed by a series of revisions.

About Cyber Laws

What Does Cyber Law Mean?

Cyberlaw, also known as cybercrime law, is legislation for the acceptable use of technology, including computer hardware and software, the Internet, and networks. Cyberlaw helps protect users from harm by investigating and prosecuting online criminal activities. It applies to the behavior of individuals, groups, public, government, and private organizations.

What Is The Purpose Of Cyber Law?



There are cyber laws to protect people from online fraud and scams. These laws prevent any financial crime and identity theft from occurring online. The Internet is a source of many types of content, but it is not correct to copy Anyone's hard work.

People who use the Internet risk their privacy when surfing the Internet and often rely on Internet laws and policies to protect their secrets. Also, companies should maintain the confidentiality of their user data.

What Is The Role Of Cyber Law?

  • Cyber Laws have a vital role in representing and defining the norms of the cyber society.
  • Cyberlaw helps to grant the right to enter into legally effective digital contracts
  • Cyber Laws help to safeguard Cyber properties.
  • Cyber Laws help to conduct online business.
  • Cyber Laws help to reorganize electronic documents and digital signatures legally.

What Is Cyber Law And Cyber Security?

Cyberlaw means "the law governing cyberspace". It is also called Internet law. The term "cyberlaw" describes the legal issues related to the use of various Internet technologies. Some of the main topics include Internet access and use, privacy, freedom of expression, and jurisdiction. It contains various laws regarding illegal activities carried out on or related to computers and the Internet. Other criminal activities include theft, forgery, defamation, and mischief, all of which are subject to the Indian Penal Code of India. There are two considerations in the formulation of network laws: national laws and international laws. All laws vary from country to country.

What Are Cyber Laws In India?



We can say that cybercrime is an unlawful Act wherein the Computer is either a tool or a target, or both. Cybercrimes can involve traditional criminal activities, such as fraud, theft, defamation, forgery, and mischief, directed to the Indian Penal Code.

Cyberlaw (also referred to as Cyberlaw) is a term used to describe communications technology's legal issues, particularly "cyberspace," i.e., the Internet. It is more minor a distinct field of law in that property or contract areas are an intersection of several legal fields, including intellectual property, freedom of expression, privacy, and jurisdiction. In essence, cyber law attempts to integrate the challenges presented by human activity on the Internet with a legacy system of laws applicable to the physical world.

What Is The Need Of Cyber Law And Cyber Security?

Cyber laws can protect consumers from online fraud. They exist to prevent credit card theft, identity theft, and other online crimes. Those who commit such theft will face federal and state criminal charges.

Is It A Crime To Watch Porn In India?



In India, it is not illegal to watch Pornography in private, although it is also illegal to watch or access child pornography. Also, India prohibits the production or distribution of pornographic content. In interpreting the information received in the RTI reply, the Internet Freedom Foundation wrote: "We (obtained from the government) reasonably inferred that the government would not issue instructions to prevent Pornography unless it is child pornography.

Typical forms of cybercrime include: 

  1. Phishing: Use forged emails to obtain personal information from Internet users.
  2. Misuse of personal information (identity theft).
  3. Hacking: closing or abusing a website or computer network.
  4. Spread hatred and inciting terrorism. 
  5. Disseminate child pornography.

What Are The Ethical Issues In Cybercrime Offenses?



"Ethical hackers" are one of the moral issues involved in cybercrime.

"White hat hackers" or "Ethical hackers" are individuals who attempt to disrupt computer systems to alert content owners so that they can resolve the issue. Some security professionals do this to make ends meet, so there are no ethical issues because the target company is aware of it and pays for it. On the other hand, some security enthusiasts are releasing white hat hackers. These people will penetrate software and websites and post problems and sometimes post solutions to problems. Sometimes, these white hat hackers send this information privately to the creator, and sometimes they publish the hacker publicly. Regardless of its intentions, software companies and website owners are often unhappy with people penetrating their systems.

What Are Three Examples Of Cyber Crime?

1. Crimes Against People 

Online harassment and stalking, the distribution of child pornography, credit card fraud, human trafficking, spoofing, identity theft, and online libel or slander are examples of these crimes.

2. Crimes Against Property 

Some online crimes involve the theft of property, such as a computer or server. Hacking, DDOS attacks, virus transmission, cyber and typosquatting, computer vandalism, copyright infringement, and IPR violations are examples of these crimes.

3. Crimes Against the Government 

When cybercrime is done against the government, it is considered an attack on that nation's sovereignty. Hacking, gaining access to confidential information, cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, and the use of pirated software are all examples of cybercrime against the government.

What Type Of Cyber Crime Works Through Lies?

Cybercrimes can generally be divided into two categories:

Crimes that target networks or devices

Crimes using devices to participate in criminal activities


Phishing Emails



DoS Attacks

Identity Theft



How Often Do Cyber Attacks Occur?

A study by the Clark College of the University of Maryland is the first to quantify the hacking rate of computers with Internet access (almost every 39 seconds, affecting one-third of Americans each year) and the nearly constant insecure rate usernames one. And the passwords we use provide an attacker with a greater chance of success.

What Was The First Cyber Attack?

First Denial of Service (DoS) attack In 1989, Robert Morris created a computer worm, which significantly reduced the early Internet speed. Therefore, we are the first DoS attack in history. Surprisingly, Morris did not write about the damage caused by the worm. In contrast, Morris created it to highlight security vulnerabilities such as Unix Sendmail and weak passwords. However, the code caused the worm to over-replicate, and the damage it caused was estimated to be between US$100,000 and US$10,000,000. This also pointed to the partitioning of the Internet for several days.

1989 also marked a grim day in history when Joseph Popp launched the first ransomware attack. Joseph Popp created a malware called the AIDS Trojan and used floppy disks to distribute it through his postal mailing list. Popp hopes to blackmail money through this program, similar to modern ransomware attacks. The AIDS Trojan suffered from poor design and can be easily removed. This is because the virus only messes up the file name, not the file content. Most computers are still available, and people quickly made programs such as AIDS_OUT to unlock files.

What Country Gets Hacked The Most?




China. Unsurprisingly, China, the most populous country globally, has the most significant number of hackers in the world. Various estimates state that 41% of the world's cyber-attacks have their origin in China. Rumors also go that the hacking network in China has national backing.

What Is The Biggest Hack In History?

Five Of The Biggest Computer Hacks In History

  • Operation Shady RAT. 
  • Department Of Defense Hack. 
  • Melissa Virus. 
  • Comodo Hack. 
  • Playstation Network Hack.

Who Is The No 1 Hacker In The World?

Kevin David Mitnick (born on August 6, 1963) is a computer security consultant, author, and convicted hacker from the United States. He is most famous for being arrested in 1995 for various Computer and communication-related crimes and sentenced to five years in prison. Mitnick's pursuit, arrest, trial, verdict, and related news, books, and movies have caused controversy.

He now runs the security company Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC. He is also the chief hacker officer and part-owner of KnowBe4, a security awareness training company, and Zimperium's active advisory board member. The company has developed a mobile intrusion prevention system.

What Was The First Hack?

The earliest intrusion occurred in 1878 when the telephone company Bell Telephone was established. A group of teenage boys was hired to manage the switchboard, and they would disconnect the phone or transfer it to the wrong location. The first real computer hackers appeared in the 1960s. During that time, the Computer was a mainframe, locked in a temperature-controlled glass enclosure. It costs a lot of money to run these machines, so programmers' access to them is restricted. More talented students, usually MIT students, are full of infinite curiosity about how things work. The smartest people create what they call "hacks" (programming shortcuts) to complete computing tasks faster.

What Language Do Most Hackers Use?

Which Programming Languages are more applied by Hackers?

  • Perl. 
  • C. 
  • C++ 
  • Python. 
  • Ruby. 
  • Java. 
  • LISP. 
  • Assembly Language.

What Are The 7 Types Of Hackers?

White, black, and grey refer to the relationship between the hacker and their attacking systems.

  • 'Black Hat' Hackers. 
  • 'White Hat' Hackers. 
  • 'Grey Hat' Hackers. 
  • Rootkits. 
  • Keyloggers. 
  • Vulnerability Scanner.
  • SQL Injection Attack.
  • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS).

What Are The Cyber Laws Introduced Recently In India?

Other laws that contain cybersecurity-related provisions include the Indian Penal Code 1860 (IPC), which punishes offences, including those committed in cyberspace (such as defamation, cheating, criminal intimation and obscenity), and the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules 2014 (the CAM Rules) framed under

the Companies Act 2013, which requires companies to ensure that electronic records and security systems are secure from unauthorised access and tampering.

In addition to the above, there are sector-specific regulations issued by regulators such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Act 1999 (IRDA), the Department of Telecommunication (DOT) and the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which mandate cybersecurity standards to be maintained by their regulated entities, such as banks, insurance companies, telecoms service providers and listed entities.

What Is The Cyber Crime Act In India?

We can say that cybercrime is an unlawful Act wherein the Computer is either a tool or a target, or both. Cybercrime can involve traditional criminal activities like fraud, theft, defamation, forgery, and mischief, all of which are punishable under the Indian Penal Code. Computer abuse has also given rise to a slew of new-age crimes addressed by the Information Technology Act of 2000.

What Are Cyber Law And Its Important Features?

Cyber laws exist to defend people from online fraud and scams. These laws prevent any financial crime and identity theft from occurring online. The Internet is a source of many types of content, but it is not correct to copy the hard work of Anyone else. There are strict copyright policies in the Internet law, which can protect companies and individuals' creative works.

What Can Cyber Police Do?

Cyber-crime cells are the one-track solution towards combatting and tackling cyber-crime. Cybercrime is a punishable criminal act that may include online stalking, online banking or credit card scams, hacking, and increasing software viruses. These cybercrime cells are the brainchild of the criminal investigation departments of cities in India. They have been opened under these departments only to handle the issue of Internet-related criminal activity. These Computer and internet-based crimes are governed under the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the Act further penalizes such acts.

How Do Cyber Police Track Phones?

Here's the way it works. The Police have two strategies for following your telephone when it's taken; they can utilize your telephone number or your IMEI number. The issue with your telephone number is that hoodlums can, without much of a stretch, dispose of your SIM card and supplant it another. Since the IMEI number is enlisted to your particular handset, the Police will have the option to follow the gadget itself, regardless of whether the SIM card has been changed.

When Did The Cyber Attack Begin?

There have been two cases involving conflicts in cyberspace between India and Pakistan. These cases began in the 1990s. Early cyber attacks were known as early as 1999. Since then, India and Pakistan have engaged in a long-term dispute over Kashmir's entry into cyberspace. Historical records show that hackers in each country have repeatedly attacked each other's computing database systems. The number of attacks has increased year by year: 45 in 1999, 133 in 2000, and 275 by the end of August 2001. In 2010, Indian hackers carried out cyber attacks on at least 36 government database websites named "Indian Cyber​​ Army". In 2013, Indian hackers hacked the Pakistan Election Commission's official website to retrieve sensitive database information. To retaliate, Pakistani hackers called themselves "the real cyber army", hacking and destroying about 1,059 websites of the Indian election agency.

How Do Cyber Attacks Work?

What is a cyber attack? Cyber attacks are malicious Internet operations launched mainly by criminal organizations looking to steal money, financial data, intellectual property, or disrupt a particular company's operations. Countries also get involved in so-called state-sponsored cyberattacks, where they seek to learn classified information on a geopolitical rival or "send a message."

Which Country Has The Most Cyber Attacks?


 In 2019, India was the country with the most cyberattacks in the world for three months. Subex is a Bangalore-based company that provides analysis services for telecommunications and communication service providers. In the three months of 2019, India faced the most cyberattacks in the world.

Who Is The First Cyber Criminal In India?

Amit Tiwari was the top of illegal enterprise until he was barred by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday. Since its establishment in 2011, he has developed into a value A $600 million enterprise. The scammers sold their expertise through computer hacking to more than 1,000 customers who wanted to spy on the Internet but were incapable. Tiwari's team is still operating, charging $250 to $500 for tasks such as stealing funds, spying on commercial competitors' financial information, and digging up family secrets.

Does Cyber Crime Work In India?

According to the IT Act, a cybercrime comes under the purview of global jurisdiction, which means that a cybercrime complaint can be registered with any of the cyber cells in India, irrespective of where it was initially committed the victim is currently residing/ staying.

What Are The Rules Of Cyber Law?

Some laws set rules about how individuals and companies use computers and the Internet, while some laws protect people from crime through unethical behavior on the Internet. Cyber law's main areas include Fraud: Consumers rely on cyber law to protect them from online fraud. 


The Internet facilitates copyright infringement. Copyright infringement was all too common in the early days of online communication. Both companies and individuals need lawyers to file lawsuits to impose copyright protection.


Several people used the Internet to express their thoughts. When people use the Internet to say untrue things, it may cross and ruin others.

Harassment and stalking: 

Sometimes online statements violate criminal laws that prohibit harassment and stalking. When someone repeatedly makes threatening statements about other people online, it violates civil and criminal laws. Freedom of speech:

 Freedom of speech is a vital area of ​​cyber law. Even though the Internet law prohibits certain online behaviors, the freedom of speech law allows people to express their opinions. 

Trade secrets: 

Companies doing business online often rely on online laws to protect their trade secrets. For instance, Google and other online search engines spend a lot of time developing algorithms that generate search results. Contract and employment law: Every time you click the button that indicates that you agree to the terms and conditions of the use of the website, you are already using cyber law.

What Is 66a Of The IT Act?

Article 66A of the Information Technology Law stipulates: "Anyone who sends any seriously offensive or threatening information using any computer resources; or Anyone who knows that any information is false but will cause annoyance, inconvenience, or danger, Obstruction or insulting behavior is punishable by fixed-term imprisonment

Is DDOS illegal in India?

It's only illegal if it's done without permission and with the intent to create havoc.

In India, Where Can I File A Cyber Crime Complaint?



A cybercrime event can be identified in person at a police department (Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure requires a police officer to record the allegation regardless of the jurisdiction where the crime was committed) or online via the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (cybercrime.gov.in).

The portal was created in August 2019, and by January 2020, over 700 police districts and 3,900 police stations had connected to it. Complaints or cybercrime incidents reported through the portal can be converted to a First Information Report (FIR).

What Are The Advantages Of Cyber Law?

Advantages of Cyber Law:

  • Organizations can now use the legal infrastructure provided by the Act for e-commerce. 
  • The bill has imposed legal effects and sanctions on digital signatures. It opens the door for companies engaged in certification body business to issue digital signature certificates.
  •  It allows the government to post notices on the Internet, thus heralding e-governance.
  • It enables companies and organizations to send any form, application, or other documents electronically to any office, authority entity, or agency owned or operated by the appropriate government, using any e-form prescribed by the appropriate government.
  • The IT Act also addresses the critical issues of security, which are critical to electronic transactions' success.

What Are The Components Of Cyber Law?

Cybercrime involves trespassing, theft, and harm. Cybercriminals can gain access to your data and information by hacking into your Computer. They enter with the specific intent to exercise unlawful control over the victim's property and information, depriving them of their data. They may be working alone or in groups, and they are tough to track. However, a cybercriminal has no right to access your information, making them liable for their actions just like any other criminal.

What Is The Objective Of Cyber Law?

  • To recognize the developing trends in Cyber Law and the legislation impacting cyberspace in the current situation.
  • To generate better awareness to battle the latest cybercrimes impacting all investors in the digital and mobile network.
  • To recognize the areas for stakeholders of digital and mobile networks where Cyberlaw needs to be further evolved.
  • To work toward the establishment of an international cybercrime network. Legal authorities could then be a significant voice in further expanding cyber-crimes and cyber law legislation worldwide.

What Are Cyber Laws And Ethics?



Cyberlaw, also known as Cyber Law or Internet Law, is a type of law that deals with the Internet. The law field that deals with the Internet's relationship to technical and electronic components, such as computers, software, hardware, and information systems, is known as cyber law in India (IS).

Internet law or Cyberlaw India is a term that encompasses legal issues related to the use of the Internet. Compared with intellectual property law or contract law, it is a unique legal field because it is a field that includes many areas of laws and regulations. Some of the main topics include Internet access and use, privacy, freedom of expression, and jurisdiction.

Types Of Cyber Attack

What Are The Types Of Cyber Laws?

Cybercrime may involve traditional criminal activities such as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation, and hoaxes, all of which are governed by the Indian Criminal Law. The misuse of computers also gave birth to various new-age crimes dealt with in the Information Technology Act of 2000. 

We can classify cybercrime in two ways. 

  • Targeted computer:-Use a computer to attack other computers.
  •  For example, hacking virus/worm attacks, DOS attacks, etc. Use computers as weapons: Use computers to commit real-world crimes.
  •  For example, cyber terrorism, IPR violations, credit card fraud, electronic transfer fraud, Pornography, etc.

What Are The 4 Types Of Cyber Attacks?

Common types of cyber attacks

  • Malware. 
  • Phishing. 
  • Man-in-the-middle attack. 
  • Denial-of-service attack. 
  • SQL injection. 
  • Zero-day exploit. 
  • DNS Tunneling.

What Are The Top 5 Cyber Crimes?

Top 5 Popular Cybercrimes to Effortlessly Protect Your Computer and Data Against its Impact

  1. Phishing scams.
  2. Identity Theft scams. 
  3. Online Harassment. 
  4. Cyberstalking. 
  5. Invasion of privacy.

What Are The Top 10 Most Common Cyber Crimes?

Top Ten Most Frequently Committed Cyber Crimes

  1. Online Impersonation. 
  2. Social Network Fraud.
  3. Cyberbullying.
  4. Trafficking Passwords. 
  5. Cyber Extortion. 
  6. Creating or Possessing Child Pornography. 
  7. Identity Theft. 
  8. Unauthorized System Access.

Punishment For Cyber Crime

What Is The Punishment For Cyber Crime?

But in the field of cybercrime, these guidelines are comprehensive and subject to severe penalties. According to the Federal Anti-hacking Act (known as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, CFAA for short), the maximum penalty for computer abuse crimes is ten years for first offenders and 20 years for repeated offenders.

What Is The Punishment For Cyber Crime In India?

According to section 66B of the Information Technology Act, the penalty for this crime is up to 3 (three) years in prison or a fine of up to Rs. 1,00,000 (Rupees one lac) or both.

What Is The Punishment Of Cybercrime In India?

The punishment for this offence under Section 66B of the IT Act is imprisonment of up to 3 (three) years or a fine of up to Rs. 1,00,000 (Rupees one lac) or both.


Is Morphing A Crime In India?

Photo morphing is an offense that is increasing in cyberspace compared to any other cyber-world offenses. Meaning of photo morphing: Photo morphing in this unauthorized user with fake identity downloads the pictures of individuals then uploads them after editing. In simple words, morphing means to an image using computer animation; to change in this way, whose pictures are morphed can hardly recognize it.

We, people, have a misconception that women only face cybercrime; only it is wrong that men also face cybercrime problems. We are not aware that our webcam or we share any obscene materials in any social media like (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) it can be hacked, and it has a possibility if you regulate that obscene material you have to bear the consequence.

What Is Photo Morphing?

Transformation is a unique effect in movies and animations that can change (or transform) one image or shape into another image or shape through a seamless transition. Traditionally, this description will be achieved by dissolving technology on film. Since the early 1990s, it has been replaced by computer software to create a more natural transition. Similarly, for example, changing voices or vocal lines, a similar method is applied to the audio recording.

How Is Morphing Done?

Morphing is usually done by combining image warping with color interpolation. The transition from the source image to the target image is seamless, and the transition looks smooth when viewed. Morphing techniques are generally divided into two types according to the way of specifying image features:

  • Mesh-based methods: Features are specified with the help of a non-uniform mesh.
  • Feature-based methods: Features are specified as line segments or as a set of points. Feature-based techniques tend to be more popular.


Is Phishing Illegal In India?

Phishing involves the use of fake emails and fake websites. Cyber Criminals send emails that appear to be from the customer's bank that direct customers to a fake website. This website impersonates the bank's website and prompts customers to share their bank account access data for online transactions. This is a punishable offense under Section 43 of the Information Technology Act, 2000, with a penalty of up to Rs. 1 Crore.

Is Phishing A Cyber Crime?

Is phishing a cybercrime? Phishing is a type of cybercrime. In this type of cybercrime, pretending to be a legitimate organization to contact one or more targets via email, phone, or SMS to induce individuals to provide sensitive data such as personal identification information, bank and credit card details Information and password. This information will then be used to access important accounts and lead to identity theft and financial loss.

The first phishing lawsuit was registered in 2004 against a California teenager who imitated the "AOL" website. Through this bogus website, he obtained sensitive information from users and access credit card details to withdraw funds from their accounts. In addition to email and website phishing, cybercriminals continue to propose "vishing" (voice phishing), 'smishing' (SMS phishing), and several other phishing techniques.

How Do People Get Phished?



Phishing is a sort of cyber attack that employs a disguised email as a weapon. The aim is to trick email recipients into thinking that the email is what they want or need (for example, a request from a bank or a note from someone in the company), and then click a link or download an attachment.

The difference between phishing and phishing lies in the form the message takes: the attacker pretends to be some kind of trusted entity, usually a real or natural person or company with which the victim may be dealing. It is one of the earliest types of cyberattacks, dating back to the 1990s, and it is one of the most extensive and dangerous cyber attacks. Phishing information and techniques are becoming more and more complex.

References And Citation





